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Case Study: Pragma

Pragma decided to use a custom mass onboarding with an opt-out approach. Once an account already set and created, customers received an email to inform them about their active paid subscription and with the option to opt-out within 30 days of the free trial.
Pragma develops technological solutions to solve the challenges and needs of the digital world. They help technology resellers, utility companies, membership organisations, professional services businesses and marketing agencies deliver white-label digital services. 

0 k
More subscribers
0 k
More active local businesses
0 m
More recurring revenue

About the industry

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Curabitur ac ligula laoreet lectus sagittis facilisis. Nam a ipsum mollis, lobortis diam eu, tincidunt velit. Phasellus quis suscipit dui. Curabitur hendrerit luctus sem. Quisque blandit purus non egestas auctor. Nam egestas sem magna. Nulla ut lacus metus. Maecenas luctus non lacus non tincidunt. Ut elit felis, venenatis in mi vel, sagittis sagittis lorem. Nunc ex metus, aliquam a consequat et, sodales sed nibh. Quisque porta lacus justo, non pretium tortor condimentum eu.


Aliquam ut tincidunt nunc, vitae pulvinar odio. Quisque turpis est, laoreet sed imperdiet nec, elementum ac ante. Quisque nisi neque, posuere sit amet euismod vitae, semper id ipsum. Praesent volutpat commodo purus, in dictum lacus commodo ultrices. Nunc ac ultricies neque. Nunc hendrerit sollicitudin posuere. Nunc sit amet vestibulum ligula. Cras eu molestie dolor. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. In vel leo placerat, laoreet dui ullamcorper, consectetur dolor. Morbi in ullamcorper lectus, et sollicitudin ligula. Ut gravida, quam et aliquam commodo, purus velit porta sem, ut accumsan massa lorem eget ligula. Etiam blandit tincidunt orci, et sagittis neque feugiat id. Suspendisse rhoncus neque sollicitudin elementum blandit. Aliquam velit dui, consectetur ultricies ex a, pellentesque suscipit diam. Sed pretium tincidunt vulputate. 

Collaboration with SO Connect

Pragma needed to offer their customers simple and cost-effective products. This would mean that the businesses they work with could engage better online with their own end customers. They decided to collaborate with us using all of our tools: Listings, Reviews & Website Optimizer.  


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Lorem ipsum dolor sit ametcon sectetur adipisicing elit, sed doiusmod tempor incidi labore et dolore.

Website Optimizer

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Pragma X SO Connect

Pragma partnered up with SO Connect

October 2016

Listings launch

Listings launch in Pragma channel

May 2019

4 major re-seller

Onboarding of 4 major Pragma partners

July 2019

5000 local businesses active

October 2019

Candio Launch

Candio launch (pragma launches Subsidiary to drive Listings + Reviews

September 2020

39 candio's partners + 34.000 active local businesses

Today, Candio represents one of our major partners

September 2020
“After launching the products through our business, we rapidly saw huge success and engagement and we onboarded more than 40,000 subscribers in the first year. We are going to be exiting our first year with a runway business of around 1.8 M and that is 100% recurring revenue, which is fantastic.”
Will Morey
Managing Director, Pragma