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SaaStr Europa 2022 x SO Connect

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Tuesday and Wednesday 7 & 8 June 


International Convention Center Barcelona

Our top pick of session.

Please find our selection of inspirational speakers and must-sees per conference day.

12.00 Kick off to SaaStr Europe 2022 by SaaStr CEO Jason Lempin

Dont' miss this session since it will tell you all the ins and outs about the upcoming days.
Speakers we love: stage A

11.15 Top 5 Scale-Up Mistakes for Startups with Dave Kellogg

Scale-up seems easier than start-up in many ways.  You've established product-market fit.  You've sold $5 or $10M in ARR.  You've found a buyer persona to sell and problem (aka, use-case) to solve.  You've answered all the hard questions.  Now, all you have to do is scale it up.  Easy-peasy, right?  Not so fast.  In this presentation, I'll cover what I see as the top 5 mistakes made during the scale-up phase based on my experience as a CEO of two startups in the $0 to $100M range, CMO of two in the $50M to $1B range, advisor to dozens of startups, and EIR at Balderton capital where we work with scores of startups at both the early and growth stages.  We'll discuss:  premature scaling, US expansion, insufficient enablement and support, inexperienced management, and the delicate topic of reacceleration after a stall.  As a bonus, we'll talk about when your "second album" (i.e., product) should come out and how to maintain focus in a world of market- and sometimes board-driven distractions.  

Speakers We Love: Stage B, P2: Banquet Hall

13.00 SaaS Secret Sauce: How the CEO --> CRO Dynamic Drives Growth with the Co-Founder of Marketo

We’ve learned Saas companies strive to achieve the T2D3 model. Join Phil Fernandez, former CEO & co-founder of Marketo and Bill Binch, Former EVP Sales, Marketo to discuss Marketo’s success and why the same old playbook needs to be adapted for t1oday. Learn from Phil and Bill on how the CEO & CRO relationship shapes this and what new ideas founders need to think through.

Speakers We Love: Stage A, P0 (Ground Floor): 4-8

13.45 7 Tips for Nailing Your SMB Go-To-Market Strategy with PayFit and Accel

Although core to the European economy, accounting for around 11M companies and 99.8% of businesses in Western Europe, the SMB market has largely been underserved by software providers. Now, companies like PayFit are on a mission to meet this underserved audience’s needs. With its unique and flexible cloud architecture, PayFit has already met the payroll and HR management demands of 7,000+ SMBs across four countries and grown to 900+ employees. Getting to this point from just 40 team members and 200 customers back in 2017 takes more than just grit, vision and a great product. It takes a solid GTM strategy focused on launching and growing the company’s competitive advantage in each core market, an in-depth knowledge of your target audience and the ability to hire exceptional team members along the way. In this session, Philippe Botteri, Partner at Accel, and Firmin Zocchetto, co-founder and CEO at PayFit, discuss the seven secrets behind the company’s SMB GTM strategy.

Speakers We Love: Stage A, P0 (Ground Floor): 4-8

15.15 How to Run Sales and Marketing Ops Across Multiple Continents with LumApps CRO and VP of Growth Marketing

Everyone is special but scaling is about finding common grounds and alignment with product strategy and market dynamics. Many companies find themselves with different Tribes (companies within a company) because of lack of alignment when scaling beyond HQ Country. This session will cover lessons learned in running a sales and marketing organisation with HQ based in one continent and the majority of expansion coming from another. Will also share the challenges in scaling through repeatable sales and marketing plays and alignment.

Workshop Rooms, P2: 212


13.00 10 Lessons Learned Along the Path to $100M ARR with UserZoom's CEO and CMO

As reaching $100 million in ARR continues to be a critical milestone for SaaS players, Alfonso will be able to explain how they have taken UserZoom's business to the next level since its founding in 2007 and share ten relevant lessons learned during UserZoom's journey to $100 million in ARR in the user experience management space.

Speakers We Love: Stage B, P2: Banquet Hall


13.30 The Personnel and Process to Scale from 1M to 10M...and then from 10M to 100M with Next47

Your first sales hire should be a missionary, someone who cares about evangelizing the product, will run experiments and is a team player. Once the process is developed, it's time to hire the mercenaries whose priority is to overachieve quota and are great solo players. In this session, Next 47 Partner Micah Smurthwaite and Crane Venture Early Stage Investor Morgane Zareth will discuss the processes from starting a sales team and driving it to $10M to hiring the next set of salespeople and driving it to $100M.

Workshop Rooms, P2: 212

12.00 The Metrics that Matter, Whether You Are Raising $1m or $100m with Index Ventures

Which metrics matter and which can distract you when building a fast growth SaaS startup? Index Ventures Partner Molly Alter shares benchmarks for the most important metrics that will accelerate your growth and attract investors in your next round. She will explain how these differ by stages of the business, from Seed to Growth, and for different type of SaaS businesses.

Workshop Rooms, P2: 212

14.00 Scaling Customer Success in 2022: From Series A to IPO with, Vanta, Crane, and Hook

The What: What is ‘great’ customer success in 2022? How has it evolved? What data should your team be focusing on? The Who: Who should your initial Customer Success hires be? How do you design the right targets? What metrics should you use to measure performance in your CS team? The How: How do you give customers a voice at scale? How do you create and nurture valuable customer communities? How do you adapt your metrics as you grow? This panel will dig in to answer these challenges, and more.

Speakers We Love: Stage B, P2: Banquet Hall

"SaaStr is THE platform for SaaS professionals around the globe, making this event a must-attend. We are looking forward to catching up with partners and being inspired by the great selection of speakers that are lined up, who will be sharing their best tips and tricks during the conference."
Rutger Frissen
VP Sales

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Our suggestions to meet up after the conference

Looking to meet up with the SO Connect team and unwind after the confernce? These are our tips to have a chat and unwind after the conference.

SaaStr Happy Hour

The perfect spot to unwind after the conference. In the Sponsor hall with drinks, live music, networking, and light bites.


Puro Beach @ Hilton

Described as an urban oasis and voted one of the best beach clubs in the world by Conde Nast Traveler makes Puro Beach a perfect place to relax and enjoy a good chat after a day on the conference floor.

Bus Terrassa

Located on just a 5 minute stroll away from the convention center this is the perfect location to kick back and relax. This rooftop bar offers amazing food plus a double-decker bus that gives amazing sea views.

Contact us

Leidsegracht 107, 1017 ND Amsterdam
Phone: +3120 715 5750